get in loser we're writing poems
my name is sai liuko. i write poems.lately, they've been about suburbian summers, earth-divers, the secret lives of whales, the way my body can't handle the heat, and the end of the party.

published works
i had a northern body & people around the arctic circle talk of seasons, Northwords Now (forthcoming)
true at once, once, Plenitude Magazine (forthcoming)
micro circuit, Asimov's Science Fiction (forthcoming)
emily, rudolf, Broken Antler (forthcoming)
wanted, Asimov's Science Fiction (September/October 2024)
mother, nature, Crannóg Magazine
the yin yoga instructor as a sylvia plath lookalike, Grimoire Magazine
circular courses, Free Verse Revolution
coming up for air, Honeyguide Literary Magazine
deepfake, Exist Otherwise
ilmatar, bear sons that sing, Eternal Haunted Summer
magical girls of the world unite, In the Mood Magazine
my priest says / surely not evangelical, Trash Wonderland
and if you're the life of the party i am the death, 3Elements Literary Review

Sai Liuko is a writer & teacher from Helsinki, Finland, where she received her MA in English Philology.